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Common Day of Learning: May 5th, 2016
At the beginning of each semester at Greenville College seniors and juniors are required to enroll in COR 401, Capstone Seminar: Advanced Integrative Studies. In this course, they must form groups of 5 to 7 students. These groups must reflect a variety of majors while working together to present their project. They must work together to create a topic that directly pertains to the year's theme. Their task this year was Abundance and Need and each group must identify a real problem within the assigned issue, engage in the project thoughtfully across the disciplines represent in the group, do something about the issue, share their project through a Common Day of Learning presentation, and do no harm. COR group 16, "Homeless by Choice?" decided to take up Katie Cares as their project. They created a survey to determine the attitudes towards homeless people at Greenville College, worked on a Katie Cares website, held a fundraiser for Katie Cares, and created donation boxes for the homeless in each of the buildings at Greenville College. They presented their semester-long project on the Common Day of Learning on May 5th and here is part of their power point presentation.